Monday, April 5, 2010

Maja Blanca

This famous Maja Blanca Recipe is made from coconut milk and corn starch.
Estimated cooking time: 1 hour and 20 minutes.


1/2 c. thick coconut milk
1 c. rice flour 
1 c. sugar 
1/2 c. cornstarch 
3 tbsp sweet corn kernel 
4 c. fresh coconut milk or water 
1/2 c. grated frozen buko (optional) 

Cooking Instructions:

1. Boil thick coconut milk in a saucepan until the oil is extracted and the precipitate forms into a dark brown color. This is called latik. Drain the latik from the oil and set aside.

2. Grease a 13-inch rectangular dish with coconut oil. Set aside. In a medium saucepan, blend rice flour, sugar,sweet corn kernels, cornstarch, and fresh coconut milk. Stir in grated buko (if used). Boil over slow heat, stirring constantly to prevent lumps, until mixture is clear for about 3-5 minutes.

3. Pour hot mixture into prepared dish and allow to set. Sprinkle latik on top. Cool before slicing.

4. When rice flour is not available, soak 2 cups rice in 2 cups water overnight. Put through blender and process until smooth.

Tags: delicacy, desserts, rice

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